I want cover only few basic things required to know to complete tutorial. In this tutorial I'm not gonna try explain structure of styles, you can find all in your User Manual. Do test on each track, make sure all is configured correctlyĥ. If your Korg Speaker is on you should hear sound. If everything is correct, you can see while you testing bar active on selected track and on KORG screen green status light active. In Fl studio select CH 16 Acc 5, on Channel Setting Sampler using mouse clicking on any note on virtual keyboard. In Advanced Style creating you maybe want to filter more, but in this tutorial leave only System Exclusive filter on.Ĥ. I suggest filter out System Exclusive in both, especially on midi in. In Midi Out Channel change in CH 01 from Ply. In Midi In Channels check if setting is matching CH 9 to CH 16 to set showing on picture. Midi menu: in General Controls set preset to Accordion 2 (best fit to our needs). **I'm using KORG PA600 for demonstration, other model can have different look, way to access.** Next you need to go to KORG PA Global Menu and access Midi setup. You can also connect midi out Korg to Device, you going to need later this connection. First you need using Midi Cable connect you device with KORG Pa, midi in Korg with midi out Device. Set Output port to 1 (same as LSD and Midi Out tracks).ģ. In this case most important is sync your output port. Depending which you using, can be different ways. Is very important correct setup your Interface. If you planning create Style with different time division that 4/4, you need adjust before you start in project setup.Ģ. Template is made on basic needs, for advanced users you may want to add more patterns. *Preset is made on FL Studio 11, if you have different version may not work.* Feel free to share, modify this template for your own needs. Then in future you can find this template in Listing FL Studio Presets. TIP: if you like this preset and you planning use often copy to C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 11\Data\Projects\Templates\Other extracted folder Korg with included files. If you want to play on PC you must enable. Korg Style preset has disable LSD plugin. After loading your program should look like this.įew important things to check: Channels must be set to 9-16 and port to 1.(see below). After you start FL Studio, you need load this preset (Korg Style Preset) to program. You going to need some special project preset, which you can download here.